At Benjamin H. Realty Corp., we represent and manage some of the hottest properties throughout northern New Jersey. We work hard to find our clients the best homes in the region and integrate them seamlessly into communities rich with appealing attractions, convenient amenities, and affordable luxuries. With generous floorplans to accommodate families and belongings, lower rents to ease the cost of living, and a professional management team to address any issues as they arise, Benjamin H. Realty Corp. buildings offer New Jersey residents a truly outstanding experience. One of our most popular buildings for newcomers seeking apartments for rent in NJ is the Meridian, a flagship property for our entire company. We're proud to open the doors of the Meridian to everyone looking for a home in our community.
The Meridian is located in beautiful Orange, NJ, and offers much to residents who prioritize aesthetic appeal in their homes. The entire property is a garden community, with beautiful landscaping to emphasize the natural beauty of the region. The property is monitored by 24-hour maintenance staff members and protected by an around-the-clock surveillance system. In addition, readily available parking makes commuting and traveling far easier, and a playground across the street will bring years of smiles to families with younger children. Newly tiled kitchens and baths are both durable and attractive, with classic elegance. An easy walk to buses and shopping centers, the Meridian sets up its occupants to hit the ground running in the bustling community of Orange, NJ.
An express commute to NYC connects emigrating city natives to their jobs back in Manhattan, and numerous public parks give an essential glimpse of nature to balance out the urban sprawl across the river. The Meridian is one of our most beloved properties: anyone who wants to rent apartments in NJ simply can't miss it.